* Please note: these plants are REALLY large and need a lot of space! No pictures do their size justice.
Thaumatophyllum stenolobum(E.G.Gonç.) Sakur., Calazans and Mayo, formerly known as Philodendron stenolobum, before the reclassification in 2018. A very impressive, self–heading plant, has long, wavy, narrow leaves that average 60 cm to 100 cm in length when mature.
Stem decumbent or semi–erect, with adventitious roots abundant. There are 8–12 leaves per crown petioles are subequaling the leaf blade, sulcate adaxially with rounded margins. Leaf blades are triangular in outline, upper surface dark green, semi–glossy,
Genus name comes from Ancient Greek “θαυματ–” (“thaumato–”, wonder, miracle) + “φύλλον” (“phyllum”, leaf) wonderful leaf, referring to the beautiful and peculiar leaves of the type species.
Thaumatophyllum stenolobum (narrow form)
Thaumatophyllum stenolobum is approximately 100 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 15 cm pot