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Rebutia canigueralii 'Violet'
  • Rebutia canigueralii 'Violet' is a cultivar of Rebutia canigueralii Cárdena is; commonly known still under its older name Sulcorebutia rauschii f. violacidermis. It is a really unusual, miniature clustering species. The stem is covered by flat tubercles, which vary in colour between violet-green and bright mauve. In older plants tubercles are arranged in up to 16 spiral line merging in the apex.


    The genus name "Rebutia " is named in honour of "Pierre Rebut", 19th century French cactus dealer and expert.

    Rebutia canigueralii 'Violet'

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    • Rebutia canigueralii 'Violet' is ca. 5,5 cm tall and comes in a ø 5 cm pot.

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