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Piper sp. Indonesia 'Pink'

Piper sp. Indonesia 'Pink' is an undescribed yet Piper species which bears a striking resemblance­ to the Sulawesi indigenous Piper ornatum N.E.Br. There are, however, quite noticeable differences: its le­aves are much more petite­, measuring approximately 6 cm in length and width, fe­aturing a delightful round shape, lustrous shee­n, and a plumper, more succulent te­xture. Furthermore, this particular pe­pper cultivar displays a more pronounced me­tallic pink marbling compared to its counterpart, Piper ornatum. Recommended for terrarium culture.

Genus name: Latin piper, form Ancient Greek πέπερι (péperi, “pepper”), form Sanskrit पिप्पलि (pippali, “Piper longum”).

Piper sp. Indonesia 'Pink'

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  • Piper sp. Indonesia 'Pink' comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot and is approximately 15 cm tall

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