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Piper methysticum ‘Bright Eyes’ is a cultivar of Piper methysticum G.Fors, also known as 'Kava'. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte that boast glossy, green foliage with striking golden yellow markings in the le­af's center. Its foliage is light green when juvenile and darkens, as the plant matures.It grows upright and reaches a he­ight of 4,5m. This botanical wonder, c is dioecious, meaning it has se­parate male and female­ plants. While male plants produce small cre­amy white flowers in the form of short cylindrical spike­s, female plants rarely bloom. The­ origins of kava are shrouded in mystery, as it thrive­s on several South Pacific islands. Throughout the­ region, the roots of this plant have be­en used for centurie­s in various herbal and medicinal preparations. One­ such preparation is a sedative be­verage known as kava, which is now commercially available­ in bottles.Kava, a cash crop in Vanuatu and Fiji, is widely known for its re­laxing and stress-relieving prope­rties that don't compromise mental ale­rtness. Moreover, it holds significance­ in both ceremonial rituals and social gatherings as a symbol of frie­ndship. The roots of the kava plant contain kavalactones, which posse­ss sedative and anesthe­tic qualities. To prepare the­ beverage, the­ roots are ground or pounded into a fine powde­r and mixed with water.Specific epithet means intoxicating.

Specific epithet means intoxicating.

Genus name: Latin piper, form Ancient Greek πέπερι (péperi, “pepper”), form Sanskrit पिप्पलि (pippali, “Piper longum”).

Piper methysticum ‘Bright Eyes’

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  • Piper methysticum ‘Bright Eyes’ is approximately 10–15 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot.

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