Philodendron 'peltatum' is an undescribed Philodendron, possibly a new species related to Philodendron pastazanumK.Krause. It it also often sold as 'Philodendron pastazanum silver'. It is an easy to grow terrestrial aroid and should be given plenty of space to crawl. Stems are repent, leaf blades are broadly ovate or peltate, sub coriaceous, dark green, glossy to semi glossy to matte-sub velvety above.
form the Modern Latin genus name Philodendron (Schott, 1830), form Greek philodendron, neuter of philodendrons "loving trees," form philo- "loving" (see philo-) + dendron "tree" (form PIE *der-drew-, form root *deru- "to be firm, solid, steadfast," also forming words for "wood, tree"). The plant so called because it clings to trees.
Philodendron sp 'peltatum' ('pastazanum silver')
Philodendron sp 'peltatum' aka 'pastazanum silver' comes in a ⌀ 14cm pot and is ca. 40 cm tall