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Philodendron fibrosum

Philodendron fibrosum Sodiro ex Croat is an epiphytic often appressed-climbing, sometimes terrestrial aroid.; Petioles; purplish, terete to subterete, obtusely flattened toward apex, minutely warty, densely and minutely transverse-fissured; finely wrinkled transversely, with low, irregular, thin erect ridges, densely to sparsely setose-scaly throughout. Leaf blades broadly ovate to almost rounded, acuminate at apex, cordate at base, sub coriaceous to thinly coriaceous; upper surface solid dark green, and semi glossy to matte-sub velvety to velvety above; lower surface moderately to much paler and semi glossy, not marked with purple.


form the Modern Latin genus name Philodendron (Schott, 1830), form Greek philodendron, neuter of philodendrons "loving trees," form philo- "loving" (see philo-) + dendron "tree" (form PIE *der-drew-, form root *deru- "to be firm, solid, steadfast," also forming words for "wood, tree"). The plant so called because it clings to trees.

Philodendron fibrosum

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