A pink–variegated banana plant!Musa 'Nono' is a cultivar of an undescribed yet Musa species found in Papua New Guinea. When juvenile, the leaves show white variegation with only indication of pink, but when the plant matures. It looks almost unreal (we had to see it for ourselves to believe that this colouration is natural). Variegation appears in sectors of hot pink, burgundy and light pink on the leaf blades. The stem is a pseudostem, formed by tightly packed leaf sheaths. The fruits are also pink variegated.
The genus Musa was first named by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. The name is a Latinization of the Arabic name for the fruit, mauz (موز). Mauz meaning Musa is discussed in the 11th–century Arabic encyclopedia The Canon of Medicine, which was translated to Latin in medieval times and well known in Europe. Muz is also the Turkish, Persian, and Somali name for the fruit. Some sources assert that Musa is named for Antonius Musa, physician to the Emperor Augustus.
Musa 'Nono' aka 'Hot Pink Banana'
Musa 'Nono' comes in following sizes:
S – is approximately 25 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 10.5 cm pot
M – is approximately 40 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 14 cm pot