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Hoya obovata

Hoya obovata Decne. It leaves are almost round or shaped like ‘inverted’ hearts, notched at the tips into 2 distinct lobes, very thick and leathery. The size of the leaves can be anything from about 6 to 15 cm in diameter and, 8 to 10 cm broad. Flowers to 15 mm across, comes in semi-pendent, flattened umbels, of 15 to 25 hanging from along the stems, the corolla is creamy white, yellowish orange or pinkish yellow, the corona is purplish red, dark orange brownish in the centre.


The genus was named in Modern Latin in honor of English gardener and botanist Thomas Hoy (c. 1750-1822).

Hoya obovata

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  • Hoya obovata variegata comes in a ⌀ 10,5 cm pot and is ca. 15 cm tall

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