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Hoya callistophylla sp. Kalimantan
  • Hoya sp. Kalimantan is said to be another beautiful form of Hoya callistophylla T.Green, one of the most sought-after foliage Hoyas. Many Hoyas, often called "wax vines" due to the texture of the leaves, are grown for their reliable, beautiful, fragrant blooms. The beautiful oval, veined leaves are light-colored with dark- contrasting veins.

    The genus was named in Modern Latin in honor of English gardener and botanist Thomas Hoy (c. 1750-1822).

    Hoya callistophylla sp. Kalimantan

    29,95 €Price
    VAT Included
    • Hoya callistophylla sp. Kalimantan is ca. 10 cm tall/long and comes in a ⌀ 6 cm pot.


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