Ficus benghalensis 'Sunshine' is a cultivar of Ficus benghalensis L., which is a national tree of India. This evergreen tree is known as the strangling fig and belongs to the family Moraceae. It is considered as sacred tree by both Hindus and Buddhists. Banyan trees can grow to epic proportions in the wild, reaching over 30m high, with a canopy measured in acres! They typically “only” reach up to 3m high when potted. Young specimens are attractive and well-filled even at an early age. The open tree structure features emerald-green, oval leaves with prominent veins and a leathery texture. Another highlight is its sturdy, light-colored trunk that thickens with age. This cultivar of rubber plant has light green leaves with pronounced pink/green veining.
Genus name c. 1400, from Latin ficus "fig, fig tree" (see fig). With capital letter, as the name of a large genus of trees and shrubs, chosen by Linnaeus (1753).
Ficus benghalensis 'Sunshine'
Ficus benghalensis 'Sunshine' is approximately 100 cm tall and comes in a ⌀ 24 cm pot.