Aloe variegata Steckbrief
Name: Aloe variegata ist eine Sorte von Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
Art: Sukkulenter Hemikryptophyt
Familie: Asphodelaceae
Verbreitungsgebiet: Oman
Zone: 10-13
Lebensraum: reiht sich wild in tropischen, halbtropischen und trockenen Klimazonen auf der ganzen Welt ein
Höhe: bis zu 100 cm
Breite: 10-15 cm
Sonne: Halbschatten
Wasser: Mittel
Pflege: Gering
Laub: Immergrün
Verträgt: Halbschatten
Taxon-Identifikatoren: NCBI taxonomy ID : 34199 ITIS TSN : 182653 Freebase ID : /m/059h5_ PlantList-ID : kew-298116 Tropicos ID : 18403421 IPNI plant ID : 530017-1 Encyclopedia of Life ID : 1085598 Flora of North America taxon ID : 200027555 USDA PLANTS ID : ALVE2 Flora of China ID : 200027555 GBIF taxon ID : 2777724 African Plant Database ID : 155971 New Zealand Organisms Register ID : 88686aff-53ca-4663-9ea7-4855da0430a0 ARKive ID : aloe-vera GND ID : 4386185-4 Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID : 425243 EPPO Code : ALFVE iNaturalist taxon ID : 126882 FloraBase ID : 36276 TAXREF ID : 639239 Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID : plant/true-aloe Quora topic ID : Aloe-Vera WCSPF ID : 298116 BioLib taxon ID : 62378 uBio ID : 5788823 Plants of the World online ID : urn:lsid:ipni. org:names:530017-1 IRMNG ID : 10589155 NSW Flora ID : Aloe~vera Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID : 4192 APNI ID : 82707 Plant Finder ID : 282195 Open Food Facts ingredient ID : aloe-vera Atlas of Florida Plants ID : 1491 Flora of Australia ID (new) : Aloe vera Flowers of India ID : Aloe Vera PLU code : 3064 French Vikidia ID : Aloe_vera Microsoft Academic ID : 2779404486 Observation. org ID : 149615 eBiodiversity ID : 209750 YSO ID : 17410 Flora of Israel Online plant ID : ALOVER/ KBpedia ID : AloeVera World Flora Online ID : wfo-0000758976 YSA ID : Y124487 Library of Congress authority ID : sh85003789 FAST ID : 1199182 Yle topic ID : 18-34044 UNII : KIZ4X2EHYX Open Tree of Life ID : 62303 Polignosi ID : 1197 Queensland Biota ID : 18337 Dutch Caribbean Species Register ID : 177457 NALT ID : 6807 National Library of Israel J9U ID : 987007294759905171 NatureServe Explorer ID : 2. 147299 OpenAlex ID : C2779404486 ScienceDirect topic ID : agricultural-and-biological-sciences/aloe-vera Portal to the Flora of Italy ID : 8393 Catalogue of Life ID : C46V NKCR AUT ID : ph117323 Plants Database ID : 71460 PM20 ware ID : 141967
Synonyme: = Aloe barbadensis Mill. = Aloe barbadensis subsp. chinensis = Aloe barbadensis var. chinensis Haw. = Aloe chinensis Loudon = Aloe chinensis Steud. ex Baker = Aloe elongata Murray = Aloe flava Pers. = Aloe humilis Blanco = Aloe indica Royle = Aloe lanzae Tod. = Aloe littoralis infrasubsp. publ = Aloe maculata Forssk. = Aloe perfoliata subsp. barbadensis = Aloe perfoliata subsp. vera = Aloe perfoliata var. barbadensis (Mill.) Aiton ≡ Aloe perfoliata var. vera L. = Aloe rubescens DC. = Aloe variegata Forssk. = Aloe vera subsp. lanzae = Aloe vera subsp. littoralis = Aloe vera var. chinensis (Loudon) Baker = Aloe vera var. lanzae Baker ≡ Aloe vera var. littoralis J.Koenig = Aloe vera var. littoralis J.Koenig ex Baker = Aloe vulgaris Lam.