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Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm' trunk and foliage

Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm' – Information and Plant Care:

Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm' is a fascinating and rare succulent shrub hailing from the lush Hawaiian Islands. Also known as 'olulu' or 'cabbage on a stick' in English, this plant captivates with its unique appearance and minimal care requirements. While it may look like a miniature palm tree, the Hawaii Palm is technically a stem succulent, offering a bold, tropical touch to your indoor space. Sadly, in its native habitat, Brighamia insignis is highly endangered and has been listed on the IUCN Red List since 1963. This rarity only enhances the appeal of having this plant in your collection, as it brings a piece of the Hawaiian landscape into your home. With the right care, it will thrive and even bloom with soft, yellow flowers in the fall.


Features: The Unique Beauty of Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm'

Brighamia insignis is instantly recognizable due to its thick, fleshy, dark green-to-brown stem and rosette of fresh green leaves. Growing to a length of about 12 to 30 cm, the leaves fan out from the top of the stem in a graceful, crown-like pattern. Over time, the oldest leaves will naturally fall off, leaving behind a decorative scar pattern on the trunk, adding character to the plant. During the fall, the Hawaii Palm produces striking yellow blooms that emerge just above the foliage, creating a contrast against the vibrant green leaves. This blooming period adds another layer of visual interest to the plant and fills your space with a warm, tropical vibe.


Though commonly referred to as a palm, Brighamia insignis is a succulent, storing water in its thick stem. This not only allows it to survive longer periods without watering but also makes it a robust and resilient choice for beginner plant enthusiasts and seasoned collectors alike.



Caring for Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm'

Brighamia insignis is an easy-care houseplant, provided you meet a few basic requirements. Here's how to keep your Hawaii Palm happy and thriving:

  • Watering:

    • Thoroughly water the plant until the soil is fully soaked. Allow excess water to drain out and remove any standing water from the saucer to prevent root rot.
    • Let the soil dry out completely between waterings. The thick stem stores water, enabling the plant to tolerate longer periods of drought.
    • Avoid overwatering as this plant is susceptible to stem and root rot, especially in cooler temperatures.
  • Light:

    • The Hawaii Palm thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it may cause leaf burn, but ensure it gets enough brightness for healthy growth.
    • A well-lit spot near a window is ideal, but shield the plant from intense midday sun.
  • Temperature:

    • Keep the plant in a warm environment with consistent indoor temperatures throughout the year. It does not tolerate cold drafts or sudden temperature changes.
    • A room temperature of around 18-24°C is perfect for maintaining healthy growth.
  • Fertilization:

    • Regular fertilization during the summer months promotes lush leaf growth and helps induce the autumn bloom. Opt for a balanced liquid fertilizer, but avoid overfeeding.



Common Issues and Solutions for Brighamia insignis

Even though Brighamia insignis is relatively low-maintenance, you might run into a few common issues. Here’s how to address them:

  • Root or Stem Rot:

    • The Hawaii Palm is particularly prone to root and stem rot when exposed to soggy soil or cold temperatures. Ensure that the soil dries out between waterings and remove any excess water from the saucer.
    • If rot has already set in, it’s often irreversible. Prevention is key by maintaining proper watering habits and a warm environment.
  • Browning Leaves:

    • Browning at the tips of the leaves can indicate underwatering or too much direct sunlight. Adjust your care routine by watering when the soil dries out and relocating the plant to a spot with indirect light.
    • For variegated forms of Brighamia, the non-green portions of the leaves are more prone to browning. Ensure the plant gets ample light to allow the green parts to photosynthesize adequately.
  • Pests:

    • Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealybugs or spider mites, especially in dry indoor conditions. If detected, treat the plant with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
    • Regularly check the undersides of the leaves and the stem to catch infestations early.



Additional Tips for Growing Brighamia insignis

Here are a few more tips to help you get the best out of your Brighamia insignis:

  • Placement:
    • Choose a spot that gets bright but indirect sunlight, like a sunny windowsill. Avoid draughty areas to prevent stress on the plant.
  • Humidity:
    • While Brighamia insignis can tolerate average household humidity, it benefits from a moderately humid environment. However, there's no need to mist the plant, as its succulent stem stores enough moisture.
  • Repotting:
    • Repot your Hawaii Palm every two to three years to refresh the soil and give the roots more room to grow. Use well-draining succulent soil to ensure the plant’s roots do not become waterlogged.



Etymology of Brighamia insignis

The genus Brighamia is named in honor of William Tufts Brigham, an American geologist and botanist. The species epithet insignis is Latin for “distinguished” or “remarkable,” reflecting the plant’s unique and striking appearance. Often referred to as the 'Hawaii Palm,' this name nods to the plant’s natural habitat and palm-like growth, although it is technically not a true palm.

Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm'

VAT Included
  • Brighamia insignis 'Hawaii Palm' ca. 40 cm tall and comes in a 12 cm pot



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