Rarely offered for sale and seen in collections, the very unusual Anthurium podophyllum (Cham. and Schltdl.) Kunth is in section Schizoplacium and is characterized by its subcoriaceous, pedatisect leaf blades with the lobes usually sinuate to pinnatifid, and by its long inflorescence usually equalling or exceeding the length of the leaves. The Oaxaca populations have leaves similar in shape to A. pedatoradiatum, but the latter is recognized by its much thinner leaf blades, lobes with uniform margins, and generally shorter peduncles. It is named for its palmate leaves that somewhat resemble plants in the (unrelated) genus Podophyllum, and which have many subdivisions.It is related to other terrestrial Anthuriums with similar leaf morphology in the section Schizoplacium, such as Anthurium pedoradiatum.
The genus name Anthurium is derived from Greek ánthos "flower" + ourá "tail" + New Latin -ium -ium . A very literal translation of this would be 'flowering tail'.
Anthurium podophyllum
Anthurium podophyllum comes in a ⌀ 12 cm pot and is ca. 25 cm tall