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Anthurium forgetii

Anthurium forgetii - Inforamtion and Care Tips

Transform your indoor space with the exquisite beauty of Anthurium forgetii, a rare tropical plant native to the lush Andean forests of Colombia. Known for its seamless, rounded foliage and unique closed sinus, this velvety-leaf Anthurium stands out as a true botanical treasure. The deep green, glaucous leaves shimmer with a velutinous texture, accented by bold white veining that creates a stunning visual contrast. Juvenile leaves evolve into more mature forms, making this plant a dynamic and ever-changing addition to your home.

Whether you're a collector or looking to elevate your indoor jungle, Anthurium forgetii combines sophistication and ease of care in one extraordinary plant.

Anthurium forgetii - Key Features and Benefits:

  • Unique Foliage: Rounded, velvety leaves with no sinus, setting it apart from other Anthurium species.
  • Compact Growth: Grows up to 50 cm indoors.
  • Low Maintenance: Anthurium forgetii adapts well to indoor conditions with proper light and humidity.
  • Rare and Exotic: Native to Colombia, this species is a sought-after gem for plant enthusiasts.



Anthurium forgetii - Natural Habitat and Growth Facts:

Originating from the Andean regions of Colombia, Anthurium forgetii thrives in warm, humid forests at altitudes of 1100 meters. In its native habitat, it grows under dense canopies with filtered light, consistent rainfall, and temperatures between 18-25°C. Indoors, this evergreen perennial maintains a compact, upright growth habit, with leaves reaching up to 35 cm long and 22 cm wide.


  • Growth Rate: Moderate, producing new leaves every few months.
  • Lifecycle: Evergreen perennial, providing lush greenery year-round.
  • Toxicity: Anthurium forgetii is toxic to humans and pets due to calcium oxalate crystals. Keep it out of reach of children and animals.



Caring for Anthurium forgetii
Create ideal conditions to help your Anthurium forgetii thrive:


  • Light: Prefers medium to bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top 2-3 cm to dry slightly before watering. Use filtered, lukewarm water to avoid mineral buildup.
  • Humidity: High humidity (60-80%) is essential for Anthurium forgetii. Use a humidifier or group plants together to create a microclimate.
  • Temperature: Maintain a range of 18-25°C. Avoid cold drafts or sudden temperature changes.
  • Soil: Use a well-draining mix of orchid bark, perlite, and peat moss. Adding activated charcoal helps prevent root rot.
  • Repotting and Pot Choice: Repot Anthurium forgetii every 1-2 years in a pot with drainage holes. Use terracotta or breathable plastic pots for optimal root health.
  • Fertilizing: Feed monthly with a diluted balanced liquid fertilizer during active growth. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it may damage roots.
  • Propagation: Propagate Anthurium forgetii through division or stem cuttings with aerial roots. Allow cuttings to callous before planting in moist soil.
  • Semi- and Hydroponics: Thrives in semi-hydroponic setups with inert substrates. Ensure water levels stay below the roots to avoid rot.
  • Pruning: Trim damaged or old leaves regularly to encourage fresh growth. Use sterilized tools to prevent infection.
  • Placement: Position in a bright, humid area away from air-conditioning vents or heaters for consistent conditions.


Anthurium forgetii - Common Problems and Solutions:
Keep your Anthurium forgetii healthy by addressing these common issues:


  • Pests: Watch for spider mites, thrips, mealybugs, and scale. Treat infestations with neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Root Rot: Prevent by using well-draining soil and avoiding overwatering. If rot occurs, trim affected roots and repot in fresh soil.
  • Yellowing Leaves: Typically caused by overwatering or insufficient light. Adjust care routine as needed.
  • Browning Leaf Tips: Low humidity or fluoride in water is often the cause. Increase humidity and use filtered water.
  • Leaf Spot or Fungal Issues: Ensure adequate airflow and avoid wetting leaves during watering. Apply fungicides if necessary.
  • Drooping Leaves: Indicates underwatering or root issues. Check soil moisture and inspect roots for rot or pests.



Additional Insights
The inflorescence of Anthurium forgetii features a green spathe and a slender spadix that transitions from green to reddish hues as it matures. Its perfect flowers (containing both male and female parts) rely on insect pollination to produce dark purple berries, each containing 1-2 seeds. Juvenile leaves are often distinct from mature foliage, adding to its evolving charm.

Recreating its natural habitat with high humidity, consistent moisture, and bright indirect light ensures a thriving, vibrant plant that will captivate any onlooker.



Described by N.E. Brown in 1906, Anthurium forgetii derives its genus name from the Greek words anthos (flower) and oura (tail), referencing its spadix. The species epithet forgetii honors Louis Forget, one of the most successful orchid collectors, who worked alongside Micholitz for the company SANDER & Co.

FAQs about Anthurium forgetii:

What makes Anthurium forgetii unique?
Its closed sinus and rounded, velvety leaves set it apart from other Anthuriums like A. crystallinum, which has a distinct sinus.

Can Anthurium forgetii grow in low light?
While it tolerates lower light, medium to bright indirect light is recommended for healthy growth and vibrant foliage. With lower light, the growth slows doen and leaves grow much smaller.

How can I propagate Anthurium forgetii?
Propagate through division or stem cuttings with aerial roots. Ensure high humidity and proper drainage during propagation.

Add the rare elegance of Anthurium forgetii to your indoor plant collection today. Order now and bring home this botanical treasure!

Anthurium forgetii

VAT Included
Only 5 left in stock
  • Anthurium forgetii comes in a 12 cm pot and is ca. 35 cm tall

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