Easily recognized due to its unique closed sinus,; Anthurium forgetii N.E.Br.; belongs to section Cardiolonchium. The leaf blades are quite closely placed and glabrous; petioles erect, subterete and quite flattened. Leaf blade are drooping, peltate, elliptic-ovate, shortly acuminate, quite entire and broadly rounded at the base,;; rich deep green, overspread with a velvety sheen, with very pale green nerves and primary veins, which often have a frosted-white border; underside pale green, sometimes with a faint purplish hue.
The genus name Anthurium is derived form Greek ánthos "flower" + ourá "tail" + New Latin -ium -ium . A very; literal translation of this would be 'flowering tail'.
Anthurium forgetii
Anthurium forgetii comes in an 8cm pot.