Name: Anthurium clavigerum Poepp. & Endl.
Type: herbaceous evergreen
form: Epiphytic chamaephytes
Family: Araceae
Native Range: Colombia
Zone: 10-12
Habitat: In Costa Rica it occurs in premontane wet forest and tropical wet forest life zones at sea level to 700 m. In Panama, the species also occurs in premontane moist forest and tropical moist forest. It has also been collected at a reportedly 1,000 m elevation in what is apparently lower montane wet forest or lower montane rainforest.
Height: 2-3m
Spread: 4-6m
Sun: Part shade
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Medium
Leaf: Evergreen
Tolerate: Semi Shade
Taxon identifiers: Plant List-ID : kew-10813 IPNI plant ID : 84666-1 Tropicos ID : 2100528 NCBI taxonomy ID : 871991 Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID : 2872456 Encyclopedia of Life ID : 1142254 iNaturalist taxon ID : 466411 TAXREF ID : 731550 WCSPF ID : 10813 Plants of the World online ID : IRMNG ID : 11085504p BioLib taxon ID : 989844p World Flora Online ID : wfo-0000223230
Synonyms: = Anthurium burchellianum (Engl.) J.F.Macbr. = Anthurium clavigerum var. subpedatipartitum Engl. = Anthurium holtonianum Schott = Anthurium holtonianum var. cohaerens Engl. = Anthurium kalbreyeri Mast. = Anthurium monsterioides Steyerm. = Anthurium monsteroides Steyerm., 1951 = Anthurium obovatum Gleason = Anthurium panduratum Schott = Anthurium panduratum var. burchellianum Engl. = Anthurium repandum Schott = Anthurium wendlandii Schott