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Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata

Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata – Information and Plant Care:


Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata is a captivating variant of the beloved Alocasia 'Curly Bambino', renowned for its compact growth and enchanting foliage. This version elevates the beauty of the original plant with soft pink variegation, delicately spread across its glossy leaves. The intricate blend of pink, green, and lighter hues transforms each leaf into a mesmerizing visual display, making it a plant that stands out without overpowering a room.


Originating as a Dutch cultivar, it was likely developed through the careful breeding of Alocasia longiloba, making its way into plant collections worldwide. Its decorative foliage and manageable size have made it an instant favorite for plant enthusiasts seeking something distinct and ornamental. Though not the easiest Alocasia to care for, its rewarding growth and stunning appearance make it a worthwhile addition for those ready to meet its specific needs.



Physical Characteristics:


The Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata features narrow, elongated leaves with a wavy or “curly” edge, enhancing its dynamic appearance. The leaves boast a deep green base color, but what truly sets this variety apart are the soft, pale pink splashes that vary in intensity and distribution across each leaf. This variegation creates an eye-catching contrast and adds a touch of elegance to any plant collection. The plant typically stays compact, reaching heights of around 30 to 50 cm, making it perfect for smaller indoor spaces or for adding a bold touch to larger plant arrangements.




  • Compact Size: With a height of just 30 to 50 cm, it fits well in smaller indoor spaces, adding a splash of color and texture.
  • Unique Variegation: Each leaf displays a blend of pink, green, and lighter tones, creating a distinctive look that varies from leaf to leaf.
  • Striking Leaf Shape: The narrow, curly-edged leaves of this plant provide texture and visual interest, even without flowers.



Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata Plant Care:

Caring for an Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata requires attention to detail, but with the right care, it will reward you with stunning growth and vibrant variegation. Though it has a reputation for being slightly finicky, especially in terms of humidity and watering, understanding its natural habitat can help you recreate ideal growing conditions. Below are the essential care tips for keeping your plant happy and healthy:


  • Light: This plant thrives in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while too little light will result in leggy growth. These plants need longer exposures to bright indirect light, as their variegated portions cannot photosynthesise.

  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but never waterlogged. Allow the top few centimeters of soil to dry out before watering again to prevent root rot.

  • Humidity: While this plant does prefer higher humidity, it can tolerate average indoor levels. Use a humidifier if you notice the leaf edges browning.

  • Soil: Plant in well-draining soil, ideally a mix of potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark to ensure proper drainage and aeration.

  • Temperature: Maintain a warm environment between 18 to 25°C. Avoid placing it near drafts or sudden temperature changes, which can cause stress to the plant.

  • Fertilizer: Feed monthly during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Regular feeding ensures strong, healthy growth.



Common Issues and Solutions:

Like many Alocasias, 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata can encounter some common issues. Here's a breakdown of potential problems and how to address them:


  • Root Rot: Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering and ensure the plant is in well-draining soil.

  • Yellowing Leaves: Often a sign of overwatering or poor light conditions. Adjust the watering schedule and ensure the plant is receiving enough bright, indirect light.

  • Pests: Watch out for common pests such as spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil at the first sign of trouble.

  • Drooping Leaves: Can indicate underwatering or stress from temperature fluctuations. Ensure the plant is receiving consistent care and adequate humidity.

  • Browning Leaf Edges: This can occur if the humidity is too low. If possible, increase the humidity around the plant to prevent further damage.



Additional Growing Tips:

  • Placement: This plant prefers a spot where it can bask in bright, indirect light without the risk of direct sunlight burning its delicate leaves. South-facing windows with sheer curtains or east-facing windows are excellent choices.

  • Water Quality: Using filtered or distilled water can help avoid build-up of salts in the soil, which can cause leaf tips to brown.

  • Repotting: Repot your Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata every one to two years in a slightly larger pot to accommodate its growing root system. Choose a pot with good drainage to prevent water from sitting at the bottom.


Understanding the conditions from which this plant originates will greatly improve your ability to care for it. Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' varieties come from tropical environments, so providing warmth, humidity, and moisture—without excess—will mimic the plant’s natural habitat, allowing it to thrive rather than just survive.



The name Alocasia is derived from the Greek words 'allos,' meaning 'other,' and 'kasion,' referring to the Colocasia genus, to which it is related. The term 'Bambino' likely refers to the compact size of the plant, while 'Curly' highlights the wavy leaf margins that define this variety. The addition of 'Pink-Variegata' emphasizes the pale pink variegation that makes this cultivar so special. These combined terms give the plant a name that reflects both its physical attributes and its horticultural history.

Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata

VAT Included
  • Alocasia 'Curly Bambino' Pink-Variegata  is ca. 10 cm tall, and comes in a Ø 6 cm pot


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