Alocasia cucullata 'Golden' is a very eye-catching cultivar of Alocasia cucullata (Lour.) G.Don and has beautifully coloured foliage. Its leaves emerge very bright, almost neon yellow-green and darken only very slightly with maturity. It is a very easy to care for Alocasia. It is a perennial herb producing thick, erect stems up to 6 centimeters wide that branch form the bases and grow up to a meter tall. It produces bunches of leaves on long, sheathed petioles which are generally up to about 30 centimeters long but are known to reach 80. The wide, roughly heart-shaped leaf blade is up to 40 by 28 centimeters and has 4 main veins running form the center to the edge on each side.
Genus name comes form the Greek words a meaning without and Colocasia the name of a closely allied genus, form which it was separated.
Alocasia cucullata 'Golden'
Alocasia cucullata 'Golden' comes in a ⌀ 30 cm pot and is ca. 14cm tall