Ctenanthe Genus
Ctenanthe Care, Infos & Species Guide | Foliage Factory
Ctenanthe is a captivating genus of tropical plants that has become increasingly popular in homes for its striking foliage and decorative appeal. Belonging to the Marantaceae family, these plants are known for their mesmerizing patterns, which often resemble delicate brushstrokes in shades of green, silver, and sometimes purple. The beauty of Ctenanthe lies in its wide variety of species, offering enthusiasts a range of unique patterns and colors to complement any space. Unlike many other tropical houseplants, Ctenanthe stands out not only for its visual allure but also for its relatively compact growth, making it perfect for indoor environments where space is a concern.
Among the most popular species in this genus, Ctenanthe burle-marxii and Ctenanthe oppenheimiana shine for their visually stunning leaves. The former is often called the 'Fishbone Prayer Plant' due to its intricate, symmetrical leaf pattern, while the latter is celebrated for its tall, broad leaves with a lovely mix of green and cream streaks. What makes these plants so attractive is their ability to add a splash of the tropics to any indoor garden, while their low maintenance makes them suitable even for those newer to houseplants.
A key feature of Ctenanthe plants is their movement in response to light, a characteristic shared with other members of the Marantaceae family. The leaves tend to fold upwards in the evening and spread out again in the morning, a delightful trait that brings a touch of dynamic beauty to any collection. Perfect for those who appreciate plants with a strong visual impact but don’t have endless time to dedicate to plant care, Ctenanthe species are easy-going yet impressively elegant.
For more, visit our Blog, or browse all currently available Ctenanthe plants in our Shop.
Below, you will also find detailed descriptions and care instructions for Ctenanthe varieties.

Genus Name: Ctenanthe Eichler
Common names: Fishbone Prayer Plant, Never-Never Plant
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Marantaceae
Native range: Tropical Americas, mainly Brazil
Hardiness zones: USDA zones 10-12
Typical height and spread: 0.3-1.2 meters high and up to 0.9 meters spread
Type species: Ctenanthe pilosa Eichler
Bloom time and description: Rarely blooms indoors; when it does, small, insignificant white flowers appear
Light needs: Indirect light, avoids direct sunlight
Watering needs: Keep soil consistently moist but not soggy
Humidity: High humidity preferred
Temperature: Ideal range 18-26°C, avoid temperatures below 15°C
Soil: Well-draining potting mix
Maintenance: Low, with occasional trimming of older leaves
Foliage: Broad, strikingly patterned leaves in shades of green, silver, and purple
Tolerance: Sensitive to cold and drafts
Fertilizing: Regular feeding every few weeks, no seasonal differentiation
Propagation: Division of rhizomes
Common pests: Spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs
Growth rate: Moderate
Toxicity: Non-toxic to pets and humans
Ideal placement: Bright, indirect light without exposure to harsh sunlight
Repotting: Repot every 2-3 years
Special care: Maintain high humidity and avoid cold drafts